Do U Know?
A study has shown that every day 55,000 new children take up tobacco habits in India, whereas a mere 2% of Indian adults quit the habit – that also, often only after falling ill.
Smoking and Chewing Tobacco users are likely to have:
1) Fifty time more chance of getting Oral Cancer.
2) Twelve times more likely to die from Lung Cancer.
3) Ten times more likely to die from some form of Lung Disease.
4) Ten times more likely to die from Cancer of the Larynx.
5) Six Time more likely to die of Heart Disease.
6) Twice as likely to die of a Stroke.
7) And the list goes on and on….
Stop Smoking and Chewing Tobacco Since Tobacco Kills not Thrills.
Do U Know: Anti-Tobacco Day celebrated on 31st May every year?
Issue in public interest for Indian Medical Association.
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